I've been away far, far too long. So much has happened over the last several weeks, and I'm feeling this intense need to document at least some of it for posterity's sake if nothing else. The Girl is wondering why her Halloween pictures didn't get posted, as they have in years passed (here and here). She worked incredibly hard on this year's costume and would like to show it off humbly share it with you. This year she took on Princess Mononoke, a character from a Hayao Miyazaki film of the same name.
With a little help from Auntie, me and even her brother she diligently moved through the To Do list that she made for her costume production:
We visited my mama's house, attempting to capture menacing looking photos with her wolf-like dog (Princess Mononoke is a wolf princess). You can see that Tallulah is just too damn sweet to get anything close to resembling a battle-tested wolfpack leader. She was a good sport to pose with us though.
This is where you oooooh and aaaaaah. Right?