Day 30 - 2011
I didn't really intend for this last gratitude to be so encompassing or so cliche, but as gratitudes have been swirling around in my head today, I just kept settling on thoughts of this year. For me personally, there's just no denying that 2011 has been a year of change and adjustment, a year of new friendships, new work, and lots of growth. There have been years in the past that I've met the new year with resignation or kicked the passing year to the curb with a tongue lashing and good riddance. I'm not so naive to believe that tough years won't come again, but it just doesn't seem right to not acknowledge when things are groovy. I realized today that I'm looking forward to 2012 with curiosity and optimism and that's a pretty damn good feeling. So thanks,'s been real fine. Real fine, indeed.