Text message from Auntie (7:30 pm):
Um...do you want to make peach mint ice cream tonight? I've got peaches and access to some mint...and we have Jam's recipe (from Thai Fresh), but no ice cream maker and no sister-friend to make it.
...it's so effing good.
How could I resist such an invitation? I had purchased an ice cream maker on clearance earlier in the summer and had yet to try it out. Auntie arrived at about 8:45 and we started our first foray into making ice cream at home. Needless to say, we were up past midnight waiting for our results...but it was worth every second. So. So. Good.
Let me also add, that Jam's blog is one you should have in your bookmarks if you don't already. She is selfless in her sharing of recipes and techniques which she compliments with beautiful photographs of her food and family. If you are in the ATX and in search of incredibly delicious Thai food that is locally sourced and with every effort towards sustainability, make your way over to Thai Fresh...you won't be disappointed.