Please excuse the tardiness of my Halloween posts. It has been nutso around here. The girl decided what she wanted to be for Halloween about a year ago and hadn't wavered even once. I was off the hook last year because her 'lita made her adorable costume. This year however, the pressure was on. She chose Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. It all seemed like a great idea months ago, but of course I was sewing in to the wee hours on Thursday night so that it would be ready for the school-wide Monster Mash party/dance on Friday. She had been carrying around this picture for months:
I think we did ok in the end...she loved it (and didn't take it off for 3 days)...that's what matters, right? A few more pictures here. BTW, she did all her own makeup...I still have little white smudges around the house to prove it. :) Tomorrow? Halloween Part II - The Boy