We've been seeing some cooler weather around here and that has us soup-making and goodie-baking. I picked up this
great baking kit for kids at a local grocery food store. The kit comes with all of the dry ingredients you need and a great set of instructions laid out like road map for kids to follow. The girl was able to completely make these brownie bites on her own...all I did was take pictures and pull them out of the oven when they were done. The were definitely a sweet treat for movie watching, and she was really proud that she had made them on her own.
In other news we were contacted by a representative of cookware.com and asked if we would like to review one of their kitchen gadgets. The girl wants to make waffles. Lots and lots of waffles. So we picked this Waffle Maker. I'm interested in trying to make some gluten-free waffles in it. They always used to dry out in our old waffle iron...so I'm hoping for better results with this one. We'll let you know how it goes. :)