It's hard to believe the summer break is gone. Lord knows it's still hot enough around here to want to spend every waking hour at the pool...but alas, it's off to school we go again. We just wrapped up the first week of school and I think we're all still floating on how exciting last week was. The boy started at a progressive middle school here in town, and all indications are that we have found an excellent fit for him. The girl is in the bilingual 2nd grade at a local public school that we love, love, love. Each day after school last week, I listened to each of them trip over each other words, anxious to tell me all of the reasons they are excited about this school year. It does the mama-heart good to hear them going on and on, using words like cool, awesome, centering, and 'good vibes' when describing their learning environments. My middle school years were so befuddling to my budding emotional self, that it is both lovely and inspiring to see the boy so comfortable in his own skin while navigating this new landscape. Although we'll miss the laziness of summer days, and I have some regrets about some of the things we weren't able to fit's nice to be back in the swing of things around here. The kids are so invigorated and excited about all of the possibilities that the upcoming year holds...and that kind of enthusiasm is contagious. :)